Sunday, January 18, 2009

Oh, dying blog...I shall resurrect you

So, I have a few friends who have started projects this year that require them to do a little something daily. This idea appeals to me on a lot of levels, but I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to do. One friend is doing a daily photograph. A blogger I read does a small graces thing, where she focuses on small things that grace her life daily. I also came across a blog recently wherein a pair of sister each sent each other a photograph every day. Such a lovely idea.

I think I might take a stab at combining these ideas. If my sisters will join me, then I am going to try and do a picture a day of something that made me happy. She will do the same.

Starting tomorrow, Jan 19, 2009, Chelsea Loves will be a two photo a day of happy things blog. Wish us luck.

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