Friday, February 29, 2008

Chelsea loves...Dr. Drew Pinsky

I have a huge crush on Dr. Drew. Who doesn't, right? I know. I'm a cliche. But the way he was telling the patients on Celebrity Rehab that just because Daniel Baldwin is a total hypocrite and dirty perv doesn't mean he's not still human just charmed me. And I don't even like that mess of a Baldwin.

I already have a doctor thing...I love doctors. During my pregnancy I wished my doctor would just move into my house. I still sort of wish that, what with Zoe having all these weird poops and whatnot. I told Travis that if we ever strike it rich he can buy one of those $5000 massage chairs from Sharper Image and I will hire a doctor to come and live with us. Or maybe just be on call all the time. Just so long as we are her/his only patients. That would kick so much ass.

Today is Friday..the kids came back from their Mom's. I know it will never change, but it drives me NUTS that they seem to forget they can do things for themselves when they come back. Tonight Jack got out of the bathtub and looked at me and said, "underwear". "Excuse me?" I said. "Underwear, PLEASE." Like I'm supposed to go get his underwear and put it on him? Since when? He's been getting out of the tub and getting his own underwear and pajamas on for AGES. He's nearly 6. Jesus.

It's not his fault, really. He lives in two houses with two different sets of rules. He just gets accustomed to one house's way of doing things and he has to switch again. I remember my Dad talking about that exact thing when we were we'd come back from our Mom's and he'd have to lay into us for a few days about the rules and being polite. It might not bother me so much if I didn't know that the way we do things is THE RIGHT AND ONLY WAY. :)

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