Monday, March 3, 2008

Chelsea loves...the things she ponders while up in the middle of the night breastfeeding

Here is a little sample of some of the things I think about while I'm breastfeeding half-asleep in the middle of the night:

  • On Sex and the City, Miranda Hobbes and Steve Brady have a baby and name him Brady Hobbes because they're no longer together. Then, later, they get back together and eventually get married. She probably doesn't change her name and it's no big deal that Brady has her last name and not Steve's. BUT...I wonder, what will they do if they want to have another kid? Will the kid just have a different last name than his/her sibling? One Hobbes and one Brady? Clearly they can't change Brady's last name to Brady. Can they reasonably name a kid Hobbes Brady? I mean, there was that cartoon Calvin and Hobbes, so I guess it could be a first name. Yes, I know Hobbes was a cat. Still. I'm worried. And these aren't real people. And the show is over. But I need to know what they would/will do. I NEED TO KNOW.
  • Since I am further restricting my diet (god help me) and am no longer consuming soy, I have to watch to make sure I don't inadvertently eat something cooked in/with soybean oil. Canola oil is a good alternative. But WHAT THE HELL IS CANOLA? Is this a plant? A legume? A root vegetable? A grain? What the fuck?
  • What shape does my nipple take in Zoe's mouth? I've seen the thing get stretched WAY too long by the breast pump - does this happen in her mouth, too? She's much friendlier than the breast pump to my nipples, though, so maybe she does something altogether different with them. I will never find out and this maddens me.

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