Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I've always been an obsessive type. It takes all kinds in my book, so should it also in your book. They made a whole sitcom about it - it was called DIFF'RENT STROKES.

Anyway, my obsessions have never been cool. I have been obsessed with Egyptian cotton sheets, Nutella, Q-tips, gigantic Sharpies - that sort of thing. Never anything like "vintage childrens books" or "reading the classics". Always things that are a little too day-to-day or pedestrian to be considered interesting or cool.

My latest obsession is cloth diapers. Ugh. Who knew I was so lame? But, really. I am obsessed. I just think these new futuristic cloth diapers are the SHIT. I want to own millions of them in all the colors. They are so soft I want to put them all over my bed and roll around in them. They are better for the environment and now I don't have to worry about what that alien gel in disposables is doing to my babies body.

Oh, Fuzzi Bunz, let's get married.

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